- original post hello all!! ive been reading everyones comments and they have been very comforting and it made me realise that i would have 100% be enabling her if i didnt say anything but ive found out what her and another close friend of mine has been saying about me and ive been feeling a little bit more guilty.
first of all, from what i hear, she threw up after she read my message and was devastated, which made me feel awful because i have hardly ever made anyone cry before in my life and i feel so guilty about it. she says that shes hurt that she wasnt able to even defend herself but my mind was made up when i sent that. i knew that any defence would have made me feel awful and smaller than i did before.
second of all, a good mutual friend of ours has said that he understands why i did what i did but my approach was wrong. i feel like if he understood my perspective he would understand why i did what i did a bit more, but i dont want to be the one to bring it up because i dont want to put him in the middle of things and partly because he has still been good to me regardless of whats been happening, but if he does, i will say something.
nonetheless, im starting to feel guilty about whats been happening. it takes a lot to push me to a certain breaking point where i block someone on everything because i am very very forgiving and always open to building a relationship again but i frankly cant do it with her.
By - BlacksmithMean144