Ok, so here goes. I take a bus home everyday and every once in a while I see to me atleast a beautiful guy. I think he's roughly my age but even if he is younger I wouldn't mind. It's winter so I can't tell much about his style, but he's tall and wears a ring on right the index finger, has brunette curly/wavy hair and gives off young Joseph Gordon-Levitt vibes. And he also seems a little nerdy and I know for sure that he uses Spotify so maybe a music fan. And I don't see him that often and wanted advice to ask him out. I've thought out different opening lines and questions to keep the conversation going, I've asked multiple people for help and there's just too many options. I don't know what guys are into these days and was hoping someone might help me out. I'm grateful for anything, even joke opening lines can help me in the future if this works out. Plus we get off at the same stop so I don't want things to be awkward if this sadly doesn't work out.
By - Routine_Cookie6879